What you Need to Know Before Starting Music Lessons



    Taking the time and effort to get your child involved with music (especially if you don't have a background in it) can be scary and overwhelming. But don't worry! Here are 3 steps to get you started with your new Journey.

1) Understand your Goals

    There are SO many fantastic methods of learning, approaches of thinking, and fabulous teachers in the world. With the availability of online coaching and classes no matter where you are or what your circumstances are you can find what you need. So the most important thing to do before beginning your search is to understand what you REALLY are looking for. 

   What are you hoping to find in music for your child? Are you looking for a mental or energetical outlet? A place for your child to connect to other children? A way for you to connect with other parents! Are you looking for daily stability, nurturing moments, or just a weekly class to give your child structure? 
   While these are just examples, I hope they can give you an idea of what to start questioning. If you are looking for more structure and a mental outlet, maybe a traditional or classical approach will work best, or if you want more of a weekly community with less accountability maybe a more contemporary or fiddle teacher would be perfect for you. Whatever you need, you can find! 

    A great way to test out the waters is to visit a local Music Store. They will know what teachers are practicing in the area and can help send you in the right direction. Just know what you and your child's needs and priorities are before you visit. Music can absolutely fit into EVERY type of life. Make sure you know where it needs to fit to be sustainable in yours. :) 

2) Preparing your Child

    How you speak matters. Try to approach any conversations about music with your child in a joyful and positive manner! My Grandmother always said, "little pictures have big ears".... Confused me so much as a child ;) But it's SOO incredibly true!
   Talking about how 'unmusical' we are, or how 'busy' our lives are, (while it might be absolutely true) can cause our children to see themselves as 'unmusical' and 'too busy' as well. After all, they ADORE being like their parents :D 
   The reality of most musical journeys is that they take longer than we would prefer. I'm still on mine and its been over 20 years! The beauty comes from seeing the journey as the gift, and not the destination. It's cliche... I know I know... But instead of focusing on Big Goals when talking with your child, focus on the experience they will have instead. Goals that they are fully in charge of. 

   For example: 
"I can't wait to get your music space set up! We will have so much fun spending time in it every day!" 
"Being able to make noises and sounds everyday will be so wonderful!"
"I wonder what fun routines your new teacher will have for us to do at home"

"I can't wait till you can play this song!"
"One day you will be just like this or that performer!"    
Can you see the slight difference? By no means is it wrong to have healthy stepping stones, and goals, but especially in the beginning try to keep your child focused more on the experience than the results. Those will all come in their perfect time :) 

3) Preparing for a Successful Practice


   for real though ;) Don't worry. Practice is best approached as play. When given the right environment it will happen naturally. The biggest thing you need to do at this moment, is for you, not your child. Try to set aside a small amount of time each week to get a mental game-plan ready. Think of it as meal prepping, grocery shopping, or cleaning your house. While you don't need to have meals and recipes planned, doesn't it help keep stress levels lower? And while you could individually get the ingredients for every meal right before you made it, isn't it easier to just go to the store once? ( or twice if your brain works like mine does ;) 

   And doesn't life happen a lot easier in a clean house? Sure it doesn't always work that way. Would be a bit weird if it was always perfect, but let's set a minimum goal right from the start. 

   I would suggest setting aside 15-30 minutes one day per week. Preferably when you're feeling positive and have wine/chocolate nearby. ;) Hey, it helps! Start this tradition as soon as you can! NOW! Today! This very second! ..... well maybe not this second, if you follow this link I will send you a cheatsheet for what to do with these 15-30 minutes depending on your child's learning type and level. Wow, see how I slipped that in there? Smooth ;) 

   In conclusion.... DON'T WORRY! I promise you that this journey you are on is going to be a beautiful one. Just take a deep breath, think and plan a little beforehand, and go with the twists and turns all the gorgeous way there.
     If you'd like to join a community of parents going in the same direction as you, check out our Musical Family Membership. You'll find more detailed topics, step-by-step guides, and a support group that's here for you no matter what you're going through! We can do anything together :) 
